Most of my readers have often asked me what could be a potentially profitable niche. Do you have the same question?
if the answer was a yes, then you have opened up the right web page. Zeroing in on a niche is one of the most important things to do for the success of a blog and with a little guidance from an expert, we all can become adept in identifying our niche and making a blog in 2020!
And if you’re struggling to get down to a blog niche in the first place, I’ll also share some tips for starting from ground zero in this article.
Table of Contents
Why do we need a Niche’?
If you have read my blog about how to create a blog, one of the most important factors I focused on was to have a niche fixed before you either claim a web page or just start off with random content. Like I said before, having a niche makes your blog more authentic and also helps in pulling the right set of people on to your page.
If you are someone who is looking to make some money off your blog this becomes even more important.
Let me elaborate that for you.
People go on to search engines looking for specific stuff, like a pet clinic, plumbing services, etc.. So when you have a niche on which you are blogging, it becomes easier to target these audiences.
Not only that, with generic content, where you are blogging on one topic today and another tomorrow, chances that the customer came on to your blog looking for something, will not return as the rest of the content is not relevant to what they are looking for. Hence having a niche will help in retaining the customers. Basically your blog becomes the subject matter expert in that field.
Now I have been talking about having a niche all this while. But what exactly does a niche mean?
It is a specific topic you’ll write (or create other types of content) about on your blog.
When I say specific topics, I don’t mean you should pick a topic like “2020 Avenger End game phone cases for all Samsung mobiles”.
This is too specific and is simply restricting your options. What you can do instead is pick a topic like “Mobile Accessories” which will give you enough content to write at the same time and is focused on a specific target audience too.
By this broader niche, you can still include all of the Marvel cases that you want, but you are also giving yourself that leverage to expand into many other closely related titles that are in link to your core content.
According to web statistics, there’ll be an estimated greater than 31 million bloggers by the end of 2020. Perhaps now, you may think that choosing a clear blog niche is more important than ever.
This note was to make you aware of the fact that generic topics like “Health” “fitness” etc might not help the ambition to drive the traffic.
What could you do?
So instead, you will be focussed on narrowing down to something much more precise—maybe instead of “Fitness,” you can pick a blog niche like “how to live with a healthy immune system” or “losing weight through right nutrition.” and the same can be done with Health and Business. Having such niche subjects will drive the right kind of traffic to the page.
But hey! Always keep your future goals in mind too.
When starting a new blog, I always like to advise my readers to keep the blog name fairly broad so you know, you give yourself that leverage to expand the target audience without rebranding.
Woooh! Now that we are well learned about topics- how to choose a blog niche without the risk of going too narrow or too broad, let’s brainstorm some ideas for 2020.
If you are ready to get to the bottom and decide what you want to, and have a niche or two in mind—but want some more possibilities to narrow down, let us talk about a few great ways to brainstorm blog niche ideas.
1. Create a List that says ‘All the Things I Am Interested In-
The most important job you have to do before you get to the actual job to publish your write up is to list out the things/ fields you are interested in and can talk about it almost every day for many years to come.
Jot it down, all the things you thought in your head that you are interested in, whether or not you think it would make a good blog niche for you. No pressure, just thinking about all of the possibilities at this stage so go on.
As said, it is fine if some of your niche ideas make you feel it is generic and others weigh in that category of ‘specific’. No idea is a bad idea at this stage.
Your list might look something like this:
- Avenger End Game
- Do it Yourself (DIY)
- Traveling (especially in Europe)
- Movie review (mostly horror)
Once done and you are looking at your list, you will probably find that some of your ideas on that list would actually make better blog niche topics than others. Right?
Do a little bit of research on the existing blogs which write about similar content. When doing this you may even find there is that one potential blog niche in particular that stands out for you—you know that right in your heart. So, go ahead and put a star next to that one to come back to soon.
2. Think About the Books, Blogs and Magazines You Read
What is that genre of books (fiction/non- fiction ) you keep falling back to? What blogs do you read avidly? Which magazines have you subscribed to?
You may have a vivid range of different interests, or you might find that all your reading tends to focus on one general area (i.e. “personal development”) that would potentially help you move towards a particular blog niche.
Write down the titles or topics of all of the blogs, magazines, and books you read—then see if all of them clubbed brings up any clear idea(s) for your blog’s niche.
3. Give a thought to Your Past Hobbies, Jobs, and Experiences
What jobs have you done during your life? Write them down (even if they seem mundane).
What about your hobbies? Perhaps you love miniature wargaming, or you’re a keen gardener. Maybe you play an instrument, or you’re on several amateur sports teams. Write these all down.
While you might not want to start writing blog posts about your actual job, you might find that there are elements of your jobs or hobbies that you do want to blog about or a core thread that ties several elements of your life together.
Maybe you’re a designer in an ad agency, you play in an orchestra, and you enjoy sketching and painting—thus it could make sense for you to choose a blog niche focused on creativity.
4. Make List of Things You’ve Successfully Accomplished
If you have noticed any successful blog, it teaches people how to do something. And how can we teach someone so accurately on the net when faults are easy to be found? You teach something you are natural at!
What significant accomplishments have you had? Perhaps you have:
- Lost weight and kept fit since
- Made out of debt
- Run a complete marathon
Now all of these accomplishments are that other people would love to have—and you could blog about how you achieved them – one by one, from failure to success.
5. Quickly also Glance Through a list of Popular/ Hot Topics
Well, the content so far must have given you an idea or a structure you can look at, however, If you are still stuck searching for blog niche ideas.
Let me present here a list that is not likely to go out of style anytime soon:
- Health and Wellbeing: This covers a huge range of topics, like weight loss, mental health, therapies at best, etc.
- Personal finance: includes issues like debt, tips on increasing income and reducing expenses, investing, etc.
- Self-improvement: this could be targeted at different age groups (e.g. college students, mid-life professionals, retired folks) or different styles, etc.
- Parenting: This may include parenting at different stages: babies, toddlers, school going kids, teenagers, adults, and different parenting methods/ ways, etc
As discussed, it is not ideal to choose a blog niche just because of the market demand, you may find something on that list that jumps right out as a topic to explore. Blogging about it and eventually making your way into it in a more concerted niche over time can be considered though.
Now that we have brainstormed a few ideas and I am positive that you may have had that lucky one topic that is going to be your Potential Niche in 2020. Let’s go ahead and discuss the next top popping question in your heads
Can I make money from this niche?
Once you are set with the Niche of your blog page would be, you should also try to make rough estimate profitability and yes, so how much are you expecting with the way you have planned.
As it is now time, you figure out whether you can actually get money running your ideas on an open blog page. Let me tell you, if you are smart and creative, it is pretty much possible that you will earn at least some amount of money from any niche for that matter!*
* as long as you have an audience base, right!
But let me also put this up here that there are going to be blog niches that are always going to make more money than others.
How will you get to know this? Just what you did to find this page- You will Research!
If you are now ready to test out your blog niche and get going, then head over to my ultimate guide to starting a blog in 2020 now!! Amazing information awaits you.
Still, struggling with your niche? Here are 50 + niche ideas to get you started
Frequently asked questions
How do I know what my niche is?
In simple five steps let me tell you- how to find that perfect niche
1. Do some good research. If you do not care about your interest, please be informed that it wouldn’t last long
2. Have a brief knowledge of your target market
3. Do take notes of what your competitors would be
4. Calculate a potential profit that you may and could get
5. Go, run your blog with your idea!
How do you know if a niche is profitable?
Simple ways to check if your niche is profitable- read on!
1, Always know that Passion is where your success lies and perhaps create a Niche that is out of a thing/ topic you are passionate about
2. Check the Niche’s Market Value
3. Check out for the recent, past trends around your Niche
4. Note all the problems that were faced by this Niche market you have chosen
5. Check for audience interactions to your Niche topics
6. Always keep a tab of your competitors
7. Look for the Advertisements made for your Niche by brands
What niches are most successful and profitable?
Well, these are the 10 niches for blogging on the Internet right now latest for 2020 bloggers:
1. Food and Fitness
2. Health- Mental and Physical
3. Dating and Relationships
4. Dogs/ Pets
5. Self-Improvement- Lifestyle
6. Building Wealth Through Investing
7. How to Money on the Internet
8. Beauty Treatments
9. Technology today and world of gadgets
10. Personal Financing
What is a niche strategy?
Of all the hundreds and thousands of advertising business strategies, Niche marketing is of those that focuses majorly on a unique targetable market. Basically, in this strategy, you are marketing or targeting only potential users of your product or services rather than marketing to everyone who could benefit from a product or service. This is an exclusive target strategy —a niche market—or demographic of potential customers who would most benefit from your offerings.
Are niche sites still profitable?
As the ones who already made it to this world of niche building consider it as an obsession, and being able to get a site to $1k in monthly revenue is a gigantic reach, so sites that are already profitable can be considered gold. But we also have found many case studies online of people getting their sites up to around $3-$5k in monthly revenue just after a couple of years’ hard and smart work.
So, yes, these Niche Sites are profitable, it is perhaps on you how you make your wait worth its while.
How do you target a niche market?
Here I list you the three baseline ways to Target Super Niche Markets Successfully:
1. Do SEO which will drive the right audience to your website.
2. Become a useful resource for the groups within your niche.
3. Keep your focus on interest-based advertising.