White Hat & Black Hat SEO Techniques- Check out in Detail


Quality content written for the benefit of the reader, not the search engine crawler, is the most crucial element of modern day SEO. 


Content-relevant keywords based on disciplined research around page content is mandatory. 


Keyword-rich page titles and metadata are also mandatory. It’s easy to overlook or underestimate these areas 


Lean code and semantically structured markup language, including the use of keyword-rich heading elements on your pages 


Simple website navigation generally boosts where your site places in organic search rankings. 


Meta keyword stuffing  unnaturally placing keywords in web page meta tags, page titles, or backlink anchor text is a part of  White Hat & Black Hat SEO Techniques


Link farming is the process of gathering a whole Pack of unrelated website links that are typically hidden from actual site visitors.  


SEO can help or hinder your site success, depending on the hat that you choose to wear. White hat SEO is a powerhouse, delivering relevant content, clicks, higher visibility, more conversion opportunities, and other business builders. 


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