Latest Microsoft Technology Trends in 2023- Check out in Detail


Cloud computing, IoT, cyber security, big data and analytics are becoming more and more common as the digital transformation wave grows bigger around the world. 


According to Forbes, after 2022, more than 50% of global IT spending towards cloud-based. 


Microsoft also offers various certification courses to train professionals in these new technologies.  


1. .Net 5 One of the biggest challenges for developers who develop .NET code is the transition from the old 


2. Machine Learning(ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) In the last 2 years, Aartificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have become the frontrunners when it comes to implementing cloud computing.


3. The Internet of Things (IoT) As the world moves towards greater levels of connectivity, the Internet of Things continues to gain prominence. IoT is one of the main reasons for the revolutionary growth in cloud computing.


4. Focusing on Security Among cloud service providers, security is a key focus area. With the huge amounts of data collected, stored, and used every day, security is an important part of both customers’ and businesses’ consideration.


5. Simplification of Technology It is amazing to watch how, as technology gets more advanced, it becomes simpler to use. Cloud computing and IoT started as extremely complex technologies with only a handful of experts available.


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